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We have always considered retirement as the right culmination of the career path that accompanies the life of each of us. This very important goal, on which CRA INOX has always had a certain sensitivity, does not only affect the economic aspects, but also the social and human sphere of the person.
With all of the above stated, we particularly want to underline that on 30 September 2022, Giuseppe CORSI ended his collaboration with CRA Inox. Giuseppe, as before him others of our team that we want to remember: Giuseppe MILILLI, Rino OTTAVIANI, Giuseppe AMANTINI. All of them are an example confirming the growth path of our production reality, not only in economic terms, but also in affirming the social role it is assuming.
To all, even if unfortunately someone has left us prematurely, we hope to have passed on a good memory and our heartfelt thanks go.